Lululemon: Transparent Textiles?

After sifting through numerous blogs I came across Annabelle Chen’s post on Lululemon’s legal troubles; consumers filed a lawsuit against the athletic wear company due to the sheerness of pants made out of their signature luon fabric. This caused a significant decrease in the company’s share price, making the public question the integrity of the brand. According to both Annabelle and likeminded customers, the company’s reputation for producing high quality clothing is slowly diminishing as a result of increased consumerism.

I would have to disagree with this statement, simply due to the fact that Lululemon is a brand that truly understands and appreciates its clientele. Ever since launching in 1998, the company’s main priority has been the quality of their products. Alongside their unique image and brand, these factors differentiate Lululemon from its competitors. The brand itself promotes a positive influence in communities, focusing on healthy active living, and sending positive messages to wearers of their clothing. Mistakes are inevitable, numerous companies have made far worse errors, Lululemon should not be reprimanded for a slight defect if they are willing to rectify it.

Soon after the lawsuit the company recalled its top selling item and provided a full refund to customers, with a guarantee to tighten quality control. Aside from the implications Lululemon handled the situation with ease. Throughout the years they have built up a wealthy consumer base, therefore valued customers will remain loyal to the brand even in times of hardship. Overall, I believe that it is a company’s problem solving approach that reflects their true commitment to both customers and the industry as a whole.

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