JustFab: Retail Revolution

The online retail industry has seen a dramatic increase in popularity over the past few years. With the inability to physically feel the product, shoppers are relying on the retailer’s decision making tactics in regards to what will satisfy their specific tastes and preferences. ‘JustFab’, an online fashion retailer bridges the trust barrier between consumers and websites to overcome the anxiety associated with ordering online. By offering clients a shopping experience based on their indicated fashion sense, JustFab is able to create a personalized closet filled with shoes, handbag, accessories and even denim that appeals to each individual’s style.

JustFab operates on a $39.99 monthly subscription service, where members are able to pick one item per month from their virtual closet. After signing up, users fill out a survey and comprehensive style questionnaire asking about their general tastes and preferences. The company utilizes information technology to store user profiles within their database, allowing them to make decisions about which of the styles offered is best to recommend to the customer. Style conscious individuals are attracted to JustFab because of their differentiation strategy, instead of going through intermediaries, the items are sold immediately after production, substantially decreasing the price paid by members.

Personally I believe this is an ingenious concept, not only are customers satisfied but the company as a whole gains a major strategic advantage. I had previously placed an order on their website and was thoroughly satisfied as they were able to fill my virtual closet with items that truly matched my personal style. Overall, after my experience I am confident that the integration of information technology and online shopping will become a huge trend amongst future retailers.

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