Tim Horton’s: A Canadian Classic

In an industry driven by competition it is easy to overlook the impact company’s actions have on society. This is where the topic of corporate social responsibility comes into play; by definition it is the corporate belief that a company needs to be responsible for its actions – socially, ethically, and environmentally. One would assume that industries prioritize such issues, and many companies claim to, but actions always speak louder than words. Tim Horton’s is one of the few exceptions; throughout the years they have adapted their business model to suffice the needs of individuals, communities and the planet as a whole.

In 2013 they were part of Maclean’s list of the ‘Top 50 Socially Responsible Companies’, for their initiatives in the social, ethical and environmental sector. In 1974 the company established ‘The Tim Horton Children’s Foundation’ which provides camp experiences to children coming from disadvantaged homes. The company has also recently launched ‘The Tim Horton’s Coffee Partnership’. This program enables small scale coffee farmers in developing nations to improve both their business and lives though the economic and social support provided.

Finally to reduce their environmental footprint, Tim Horton’s redesigned all their packaging to consist of fully recyclable materials. Currently 69% of waste is made up of organics and only 7% is not recyclable, far exceeding other food chains. By taking the appropriate measures, Tim Horton’s is now operating on the basis of corporate social responsibility. These are the types of companies that drive our world to a more sustainable future.

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