Emerging legal market of medical marijuana.

As of April 1st, the only legal way to get marijuana in Canada is for medical reasons from producers approved by Health Canada.

Since then, 171 individual parties have signed up to gain a slice of the anticipated highly-valued market. It is suggested that medium-sized businesses will receive the most benefits from this new program.

The amount of people using marijuana is also expected to multiply from 500 to 37,000. The entire industry in Canada is estimated to be worth about $1.4 billion by 2024.

Opening up this market into the free hands of the public (while still being regulated by Health Canada) is definitely an eye-catcher for corporations and entrepreneurs. With such high demand, a bustling market is sure to form.

The question is, who will benefit the most? Will a single corporation rise dominant? And how will these new changes affect marijuana as a product?

Since growing illegally in one’s home is still cheaper, it is suspected that marijuana will be “customized” to target certain health conditions to compete.

I suspect that the market will prove to grow massively and dominant corporations will be able to generate lots of revenue.




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