The Parti Quebecois sets an ambitious new plan to invest in their economy.

Premier Pauline Marois is pledging $2-billion for a new job creation plan.

On October 7th, 2013 the Parti Québécois proposed a new $2-billion plan that would increase investments and jobs in Quebec. This plan, revealed by Premier Pualine Marois and Finance Minister Nicolas Marceau, hopes to create 40,000 jobs by 2017. In particular, $566-million would go into the renewal of infrastructure, which would include community centers, arenas and schools. Also, $516-million of the budget would go into the development of electric transit in Quebec.

In a microeconomic standard, this would be similar to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s First 100 Day Plan. With the government interfering with the economy, it would allow for more jobs to occur which would then stimulate the economy. For instance, the 40,000 individuals who were granted jobs, are now able to provide more for their family and put more money into the economy as they purchase goods, and new entrepreneurs will have more capital to pursue their ambitions. Overall, I think it is a applaudable proposal from the part of the Parti Quebecois as they attempt to put more money into the economy.

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