Responding to “Electric Cars” by Yihan Xu

I agree that the government and car manufacturers should be addressing the issues among the use of electric cars so that it’s popularity will increase among consumers.

However, I disagree that the government should not give subsidies to manufacturers. It’s extra pricey to make electric cars than normal cars, so it would be very helpful for those willing to invest in creating electrics. It will allow companies to pass a profit point so that they can innovate and keep developing electric cars advancements. With more to work with, they can develop cars, and have the money to offer them, that can run on different terrain and ultimately match the performance capabilities of a fuel-run car.

Electric cars is most likely not an easy industry to thrive in, so then again subsidies would be useful. With rising companies that can offer more, electric cars would develop as a trend and become of greater performance capabilities.





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