Writing Assignment

This assignment has three parts:

1. An individual writing assignment (5%) – due November 15th at 11:59pm

  • Part I: Choose a topic from the textbook (any section covered in the class is fair game!), and write a half page (about two paragraphs, or ~250 words) about why you find it interesting. This write up might include a) what you learned, b) how it applies to another topic in the textbook, c) how your topic fits with or explains a real-world phenomena, d) something else! 
  • Part II: Write a multiple choice question to go with your topic. This question should be challenging, and should require high-level, critical thinking to answer. You must provide 3-5 answers, including the correct answer.

Both Parts of this written assignment should fit into one single-spaced page. Please use size 12 Arial or Times New Roman font. Do not include your name on the submission. Please only include your student ID at the top right of the submission. You will submit your assignments to both Turnitin and Canvas. Plagiarism  and/or cheating is unacceptable and will result in a 0 mark in the course. 

2. A peer review component (3%) – due November 28th at 11:59pm

  • After November 15th, you will peer review each other’s assignments. You will receive a rubric to do this comparison and evaluation. These evaluations will be anonymous. You will be graded on your completion of the review and ability to use the rubric appropriately.

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