Human Subject Pool (HSP) Information

HSP Research Experience Component (2%; up to  3% extra credit)

Psychology is an active and exciting scientific discipline. Many of the studies you will learn about in this course were carried out in universities just like UBC!

As part of this course, you will be asked to complete a research experience component (REC) as a way of introducing you to cutting-edge research in psychology. This REC will be worth 2% of your grade and you are free to choose one of two options:

1. Participate in the Psychology Department Human Subjects Pool

Most students will choose to earn their REC by spending two hours participating in psychology studies (worth 1% for each hour) through the Department of Psychology’s Human Subjects Pool (HSP) system.

You can create an HSP account, locate and sign up for studies by going to https://ubc-psych.sona- Please register by the end of the first month of classes to earn your first 1⁄2 hour credit by completing a brief online survey to determine your eligibility for studies.

Once you are registered in the HSP system, you will be able to browse through and select which studies you wish to participate in, sign up for available time slots, and confirm your credits afterward.

At the end of the last day of class for the term, HSP closes and you will no longer be able to receive credits. Therefore, you should try and participate in studies and earn credits as early in the term as possible!

2. The Library Option

As an alternative to participation in HSP experiments, you may complete a library writing project. Such projects consist of reading and summarizing a research article from the peer- reviewed journal Psychological Science. You must

summarize 1) the research question, 2) the methods, and 3) the results (in written form).

You will receive 1% for each article summary that meets the following requirements:

• The article must have been published in the journal titled Psychological Science.

• The article must have a publication date between the years 2000-2018.

• The article must be a research article. It cannot be a review article, a news item, a notice, or a letter to the editor.

• The summary should be approximately 500 words in length

• You must include your name, student number, course, section, instructor, and email address on each summary.

• You must log on to the HSP website ( and create an account before submitting your article summaries. Your course credit is assigned only if you use the online system.

• Summaries must be submitted by the last day of class

• You must submit your article and summary to For submission information, see pool/, click on “Subject Pool Info for Participants,” and read the section on the Library Option. See for more information. Any evidence of plagiarism may result in lack of credit, and instructors will be notified. Further action may be taken by the department or university.

More information on HSP and the Library Option is available at:

Bonus Credit (optional)

You may earn up to 3% extra credit that will be added to your final grade. These extra credit points can be earned by doing up to three additional hours of study participation in the HSP (or summarizing another three articles through the library option), in the same manner as described above.

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