iClicker Participation and Attendance

Participation & Attendance:

During each lecture you will be asked several comprehension/survey/fun questions that you will respond to with your iClicker. Attendance will be evaluated through participation in the iClicker questions. Each class that you attend and participate in with your iClicker, will be calculated towards your grade. No exceptions will be made for missing class (despite having a good excuse). However, to account for the fact that things may come up for you to have to miss class, we will only count 19 classes (instead of the full 24). Therefore, you will only have to attend and participate in 19 classes in order for you to receive the full 6% towards your grade. Note, we will not evaluate your responses for the iClicker questions. You simply have to participate to get the grades! This is a 6% addition to your mark just for showing up!

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