Unethical Big Shot Companies

This is in response to Aaron Cho’s blog post which can be found here

Aaron’s blog post talked about how billion-dollar companies such as Samsung and Apple are participating in questionable labour practices. I completely agree with his position on this issue. As Samsung and Apple continue to outsource to China and other countries, they have no regard for their highly unethical labour practices. Underpaying and exploiting vulnerable employees is unacceptable.

According to Edward Freeman’s Stakeholder Theory (video below), if any business wishes to succeed, it must satisfy different stakeholders – its customers, suppliers, financiers, the community and also its employees. However, the aforementioned companies are clearly neglecting the interests and well-being of its employees. In addition, according to Freeman, the interests of the stakeholders are inter-linked and one cannot be neglected while some are not. Sooner than later, the other stakeholders of Apple and Samsung will experience the ramifications of its neglect for their employees.

Though one’s ethics should not take control of his/her business, ethicsĀ do help establish a good, long-term reputation.

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