Ben & Jerry’s: Not just a pretty face

And by pretty face, I mean good ice cream.

Did you know Ben & Jerry’s was also a B Corporation?

Wait, what’s a B Corporation?

A B Corporation (B Corp) or a B Corp certified company meets the “rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency”. In essence, they’re the good guys. B Corps want to redefine success in business; these companies want to dismiss the notion of only-profit-oriented success. (Sound familiar? Corporate social responsibility?)

Here are some screen shots from the B Corporation website:

Ben & Jerry’s has been the exemplar of B Corps. Despite being bought by multinational conglomerate Unilever, Ben & Jerry’s as a subsidiary has continued it’s socially responsible practices.

Some of the outstanding practices of Ben & Jerry’s include:

  • Caring Daily program – almost half of the cost of goods sold goes towards investing in small-scale suppliers
  • Outsourcing key ingredients from community organizations
  • The company’s lowest paid hourly workers make almost 50% above the living wage
  • No animal testing

Ben & Jerry’s has the reputation of being a very ethical company, incorporating into their mission statement a social, economic, and product mission.

B Corporation Website
Ben & Jerry’s, Poster Child for the B Corp Movement, Becomes a B Corp (by Anne Field)

P.S. Anne Field’s blog on the Forbes website is centred on “NOT ONLY FOR PROFIT” businesses. Check it out here!

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