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Nov 25 / Puravin

The supply chain has its flaws

As all the business retailers look towards black Friday, they will be hoping all the goods that are being shipped into stores will make it on time, yet the more significant issue is that will it make it at all? Well, based on the Penske blog on “Risk of Cargo Theft Rising”, there has been a increasing number of cargo thefts in the United States indicating that retailers should not assume that theft is unlikely to occur.

Not everything in a company's supply chain is under its control

The companies in most part outsource the transportation of goods from warehouses to retailers, so in reality there is a huge amount of trust being placed on the shoulders of the truck drivers of these cargo’s. This is a significant issue in the supply chain, since the company has little control over whether the goods arrive at the intended location. In a period such as this week, the likelihood of this happening “increases an average 28 percent” as indicated in the blog. So its only necessary that these companies ensure that they are placing its goods with the right choice of transportation company so that the customers waiting in the long lines on a friday afternoon get their goods.

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