Why does Apple delay release of Iphone6 in mainland China?

People lining up to buy Iphone6

People lining up to buy Iphone6

When I was in high school back in mainland China, it was a peer pressure to have an Iphone. I had 40 classmates and 36 of them were using Iphone, and a large part of them even update their Iphone according to yearly base. Having heard of the news of Iphone6 will be released in September, 2014, my friends and I devoted ourselves in radical discussion of its new functions and its “improved” appearance. Young people in China love Apple and Iphone and purchasing power in China is higher than that of western country.

So the reason for apple delay release of Iphone6 in mainland China has always puzzling me. I think many disadvantages and risks could emerge from this simple move.

First, by delay the release in mainland China, Apple granted the other competitors a precious chance. There is a news about a teenage boy in China sold his kidney for Iphone5s when it first came to market that shocked people globally. Later, selling kidney for Iphone became a “joke” to sarcastically imply Iphone’s high price and the content about how much people would give up for an Iphone. Before Apple announced the release would be delayed, a large amount of people has already sold their kidneies and gathered the money for Iphone, but now, the money in the hand seem to be burning because there exist other smart phone brand which is as good as Iphone but only of half price of Iphone. So, Apple increased the risk of losing its customer to competitors.

Second, delay release create chance for second-hand over-sea purchase. People in Hong Kong and other countries would grab this chance to make profit by selling Iphone on the Internet, decreasing Apple’s brand authenticity and in-store experience. Moreover, when it released in China, it will not be as tempting as it first released in Semptember.

In modern world, everything is happening so fast that not one single delay is tolerable. I believe the price that Apple will pay for this delay is brutal.

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