COMM 292: The Importance of Communication Channels in Business

Communication is a vital component of success in modern society. It is the most basic building block of relationships and teams, and as such, is of paramount importance in business. Different businesses use many informal and formal means of communication in order to distribute necessary information, and in organizational behaviour, the relative strength of each is described as channel richness. As the title suggests, informal methods are less rich than their formal equivalents. The most used informal channel is the grapevine, which is essentially word of mouth among friendly employees. This type is usually the most valued, yet is also the most skewed, as it includes perceptions and emotions whilst formal channels are simple and direct. A common example of a formal channel is the conjunction of vertical and horizontal communication, in which information is distributed down among and all across each organizational hierarchical division via email, websites, and news as a few examples.

Every major successful business has their own individual communication channel that is suited to their field. What this enables them to do is remove the chance of selective perception of its employees, enabling work to be carried out in a timely and organized fashion. According to this Australian Institute of Business Blog post, proper communication channels also facilitates innovation, stimulates productivity and adds a sense of transparency. I fully agree with these points, as clear and statistically unbiased information and the distribution of said information simply creates a superior business.

All in all, establishing proper communication methods is needed for companies to reach their full potential. The ramifications without it include having orders and information being skewed, created a flawed teamwork setting that only leads to poor performance as a company.

Bibliography (APA):

[Communication]. (n.d.). Retrieved February 5, 2017, from×0/filters:no_upscale()/about/iStock_000049266740_Medium-56b097713df78cf772cfe49f.jpg

Hutton, L. (2016, November 21). 6 Reasons Why Effective Communication Should Be a Focus in Your Business | AIB Official Blog. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from

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