Mar 24 2011

Will the change of the logo be right strategy?

Published by at 7:39 pm under Uncategorized

A while ago, Starbucks changes its new logo with only the female image left. I read blog from Ruth Widjaja regarding the new changing of logo. According to the blog, the purpose of this changing is to “introduce new product categories”. For example, Starbucks has new product “mini cupcakes” and “cake pops”. Overall, they are not focus on coffee, they are doing more. However, the new logo seems not so favorite among the consumers, also some articles pointed that this changing is useless. Anyway, though the Starbucks has not received positive feedback from the market, hope it will have efficient marketing strategies after.

Well, Not only Starbucks Coffee has changed their logo, many famous brand also did that. Let’s have a look.

1. Apple.

Apple’s logo stands for popularity, fancy, technology. But back in old days in 1976, can you tell me what logo stands for?

2. Canon

..I think the first logo is Buddha,  it made a huge change after.

3. IBM

IBM once was not IBM is called ITRC.

4. Nokia


5. Pepsi

Pepsi is the one who changes its logo a lot.

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