Feb 03 2011

A new Bing-music app for iphone

Published by at 10:32 pm under Uncategorized

Nowadays, one of the values of consumer adoption of cell phone technology is that many companies are beginning to develop cool-style and useful applications. However, not all cell apps are useful but the latest app offering from Microsoft is an interesting one and the way they are making the offer is sure to trickle to other app providers. Customers can download theĀ Top 100s by Year by BingĀ apple-app for free. As the name of the app implies, customers can actually listen to the Top 100 songs from 1947 to 2010, again for free without strings attached. To be able to listen to thousands of songs for free, I think this is something all users can live with. I can only imagine how royalty payments are tracked and how long Microsoft will offer this for free. Do you think this free giveaway will help Microsoft increase Bing app installs? Only time will tell but giving mobile users the ability to listen to thousands of Top 100 songs for free is definitely a great incentive for any campaign, and one that only few companies can even consider offering. Therefore, download one and enjoy the music.

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