Recently, from the International brand consulting firm Interbrand, Apple has become the world’s best brand and Coke which was the first one slipping to third place. Brand is the intangible asset that company has. It is not a physical asset that we can count, so how did Interbrand rank brands? From the article, “Apple Surpasses Coke as World’s best brand”, it is said Interbrand ranks brand based on companies’ financial results, the effect that brand has when consumers purchase products, and loyalty company creates to help increase its demand and future profit. Also, the company should have more than 30 percent of its revenues come from other regions and continents expect its home region. These all demonstrates that the top brands should be global and influential.

Surely, Apple has been greatly influenced our life such as, people can connect each other easily through facetime.  And its own unique system IOS is one of the point of differences, which attract more consumers and made Apple be more competitive in the market. Furthermore, Apple has establish its solid loyalty among some consumers as every time Apple released their new phones, a great number of people buy them immediately and even some queue the whole night. It is kind of shocked that Apple can be booming so fast, admittedly, the innovation plays a vital role on it. One of Steven Jobs’ quotes is “Innovation distinguished between a leader and a follower.” This has been proved that Apple innovates all the time as recent they released  IOS 7 and finger scan security system. Apple has been leading the trend of technology as a result of we can see many similar laptops or phones to Apple’s in the market. In order to remain the first place of the brand ranks and keep dominating the market, Apple also has to realize its biggest competitor Samsung and extend Chinese market as its new phone did not sell as well in China as other places. China has the potential market that Apple can explore due to the population and people’s preferences.

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