mysterious of cars companies


It seems that economy has been recovering in UK as “new UK car sales in September at highest level in five years. And the top selling car is Ford’s Fiesta, followed by Vauxhall Corsa and Ford Focus, with 20629, 14464, and 14295 sales respectively. From this information, it can be seen as that these companies sell inexpensive cars and meet the customers’ standards. Nowadays, customers consider the fuel-efficient cars, as they prefer to reduce the cost. Ford Company narrows its target market as they increase the fuel-efficient new model cars, which can satisfy people’s needs. As we can see, Ford Company is an example of gain creator because customers are happy to buy these fuel-efficient cars and as a result, the company creates positive consequence with the evidence that they are the top selling cars. In addition, another factor that boosting sales was “the type of financing deals available”. This greatly helps consumers to clarify their running costs.

Moreover, although in the chart “ Most popular new car models, Sep 2013”, there are not many luxury car brands, the Mercedes-Benz “sales volumes grew by 15.9% to 142,994 cars. It is also can be seen a great growth. Different than Ford’s company, Mercedes-Benz regards China as its main market. As more and more people getting rich in China, there is the tendency that people prefer to have the luxury cars. Surely, Mercedes-Benz sees this as an opportunity to extend their market along with their strong brands name and reputation, sales volume rose 21% in China.

All in all, companies have different targets and strategy, which satisfy different customers’ needs. Also, differentiation and low cost strategy are accounted for the importance of companies success.

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