Leading by Examples

Different companies have different kinds of culture. Undeniably, culture has a big influence to employees, as the organizational culture is the artifacts, beliefs, and values that the company has. People’s beliefs and values could affect their behaviors, which can bring negative or positive results to the company. Without doubt, the leaders in the company play a vital role to build company’s culture. The idea is similar to the chief executive of energy supplier Aggreko’s. He says, “People watch much more than they listen”, which implies that it is

crucial for employers to be consistent between their behaviors and what they say. Mr. Zeman who is the chairman of the government-owned Ocean Park theme resort in Hong Kong also emphasizes the importance on Leading by example. What he said, “It’s usually top-down” demonstrates that employees would like to the performance of their leaders.  If employers are always hard-working, approachable, enthusiasm, these characteristics can gradually influence employees and enable them to have such characteristics which can bring positive results to the company.

Moreover, Mr.Zeman also believes that the company culture should be like a family. For sure, the boss should be approachable and reliable. This is similar to the Zappo’s boss. In the video that we saw in class, the CEO does not have his own office and he sits with his employees. Also, we can see that the working place is decorated by employees and CEO plays with them which create a relaxing atmosphere. The company indeed is like a family. The close relationship between employers and employees greatly reduces the hierarchy. This allows employees to be open-minded and leads to the company to be successful. All in all, in a strong culture, it is always can be seen that the employers take responsibility and lead by examples.  They are the role models for their employees.


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