work-at-home & company culture

With the development of technology and social trends of widely using Internet, companies’ cultures are being affected as well. Employees would like to have more flexibility, as they want to work at home. However, several companies eliminate their work-at-home program such as, HP, Yahoo and Best Buy since they could not get the results that companies want and the loss of team spirit. Nevertheless, it is reasonable that more and more employees are going to work at home in the future due to the incredible boost of using technology. Therefore, the telecommunicating way of working is more matter of companies’ culture. For example, one of the culture company hold is that employees who come to the offices every day should support the one that work at home. Also, as for the loss of team spirit and communication, company can emphasize on the timetable for the online video communicating. This can make work-at-home employees feel that they are like physically present at meeting and not being isolated.

Apparently, employees and employers can both gain benefits through working at home. For employees, their timetable can be more flexible which can result in being more productivity. For employers, it can save money and reduce the turnover. Thus, it is a win-win situation. In addition to that, once the company regards the work-at-home is part of its culture, it is expectable that both employees and employers are beneficial from this. Moreover, there is national coalition called “ 1 Million for Work Flexibility” that organized by individuals, companies, and organizations who believe “flexible work options benefit both employers and workers”. They also help people to get involved in this by provide personal cases and post the relative news and ideas. Personally, from my analyzing, it is unavoidable to have remote workers in the future. Companies have to add subculture or change some parts of culture to adopt this new coming working trend.


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