Response to yuanrongli’s google-the-importance-of-culture blog

I have the same opinion of Charlotte’s as “what Google is doing is “to treat your employees like your customers”. Surely, every company treats customers warmly, which implies that Google treats their employees very well. It is well-known that Google’s organizational culture is quite strong and attractive. Lots of people would like to work there since Google deliveries a fantastic working environment and decorate the working place as it looks like home. From the pictures we saw in this post, it can be easily seen that employees are enjoying when they are working. The relaxing atmosphere helps employees to be more creative. The celebrations bound employees and employers together and make employees feel Google is caring about them. As we can see, Google emphasizes the importance of the company culture. Once the company makes employees working with “happiness and enthusiasm” as what Charlotte mentioned in the post, this can enable them to be eager to work. Also, when there is teamwork, employees get the same authority, this shows the equity and thus, employees can feel they are respectful and will have more direct communication with team members. It seems that Google is like a family. Undeniably, Google’s strong culture greatly helps its success and rise employees’ happiness and productivity while decrease the turnover, which is a win-win situation.

Google-the importance of culture

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