The Restaurant

By Ana Laura Arrieta Zamudio

This storyboard was intended to elicit conjectural questions.

Story text:

  1. ‘Mary and La·t are outside of a new restaurant’
  2. Mary says: ‘Let’s go inside’
  3. They are inside the restaurant, Mary asks:‘Hey La·t, which could be the best dish?’
  4. La·t says: ‘mm I don’t know, I’ve never been here before’
  5. Lat asks: ‘Hey, what could be in that drink?’
  6. Mary says: ‘mm I don’t know, it looks very unusual…’
  7. They see someone at the entrance of the restaurant. Mary asks:‘Hey Lat, who could that be?’
  8. La·t says: ‘I don’t know, probably someone famous’
  9. Mary asks: ‘La·t! Isn’t that your dad?’
  10. ‘My dad? I didn’t know HE was famous’
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