U.S. Government Debt Ceiling

What let the U.S. federal government shut down,is that Obama’s new health care?Fundamentally,it caused by the U.S. government budget crisis and huge problems with the debt ceiling.

U.S. debt ceiling is the total U.S. federal government debt amount in essence.The United States Congress has established statutory limits of that.However, the debt ceiling has always been non-existent in a long time,and during the expansion of the country,the statutory bond cap has constantly been raised.Since 1960,the debt ceiling has been raised 79 times,almost every eight months.The debt ceiling  seems never to pose a real threat to the United States .

U.S. Congress report shows that since Obama taking office,Congress has raised the debt ceiling for four times increasing the amount to $ 5.4 trillion Raising the ceiling without mention will bring much risks:If public debt ceiling can not be raised in time,the government will run out of money to pay the debt including interest and a variety of health care spending bill.However,if the United States continues to raise the debt ceiling with the crazy growth of U.S. Treasury bonds, it will destroy the balance of international American dollar market and continue to challenge the global credit lines and bottom line creditor tolerance.

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