Crisis of Japanese Industry

Although Japan’s Toyota recall events occurred not in 2010, but it intensified in the past year. California has experienced the largest outbreak of automotive history after the recall. Toyota has suffered a series of storm.

At December 13 , Toyota submitted applications for the North American market to recall of 2011 models Siennas MPV cars for a mount of 110,000. Thus, in 2010, Toyota has recalled the Japanese transport ministry for 17 times, involving markets cover North America, Japan, China, Australia, Europe and other major automobile market. Its characteristics can be summarized briefly as follows: high frequency, wide range of large-scale and multi-modeled. As the world’s largest car maker, Toyota was used to be Japanese largest enterprises, experienced the spate of recalls storm and such an unprecedented crisis. Subsequently, they were forced to recall their products including more than 40 million vehicles again because Honda airbag hidden hazards and brake pedal.

This series of serious quality problems brought adverse impact to Japanese industry. Many other Japanese top brands have lost the glory:”Made in Japan”. Japanese enterprises showed up their arrogance and complacency, they always think of themselves as the best in the world.Moreover, through progress of the crisis, Toyota’s public relations capacity should also be queried.

Introspection and renovation in McDonalds

America territory McDonalds (MCD) acknowledged recently in the U.S. market since the company was blamed with the poor quality of customer service and to recognize that its rapid introduction of new menu with too much food is a wrong move, this move largely lead to decline of service quality.

According to reports, president of McDonald’s U.S. operations Jeff Stratton, said this year the company launched a number of new products and limited buying activity, the purpose is to give consumers more choice, but actually it seems to launch a new product too quickly. From March to July, McDonald updated its menu by adding four new products. Stratton said the rapid introduction of new products brought much challenges to McDonald. Its business became more complex, resulting in impaired quality of customer service.

Stratton added: “Review of the past , I should spend more time to deal with this problem .” In terms of how to introduce new products, McDonald’s managers need to become more intelligent. In order to reverse this situation , McDonald plans to transform 300 stores in the United States for renovations, during this year, more than 465 stores have been renovated yet.

Continuous decrease in gasoline price

It reported that U.S. gasoline prices continued to fall, in some states, it even has dropped to $ 3 / gallon or less. Declining of gasoline prices is undoubtedly good news, but falling oil prices also reflect the weak economy. Recalling the last financial crisis, economic recession also reduced the demand for gasoline. Depression has been far away from us, but its negative impact is still pulling down the price of gasoline.

In 2004, the United States reached its peak after driving has started to decline. According to data in 2011, the drivers driving an average mileage of 12,492 miles during decreasing of 8.9% of the peak. Study analyzed that the mileage decline occurs for several reasons, including the result of the new technology that makes it easier to work at home, accelerated aging, so that more elderly people willing to use public transport , more young people postpone the driving test .

In addition to the above reasons,, promotion of more hybrid fuel and electric cars on the market is another important reason for decline in gasoline prices. It remains to be observed whether lower demand for gasoline effects the price, but the decrease in demand has prompted the current decline in gasoline prices.

Largest customer of global luxury market

Chinese consumers’ annual consumption of luxury goods in 2013 has risen over one hundred billion U.S. dollars, which builds up half of the global luxury market .

Although the global luxury goods market is facing a lot of pressure, but the total capacity of the global luxury market will reach a record of $ 217 billion, the annual growth rate is expected to reach 11% . Chinese domestic consumption of luxury goods market will reach $ 28 billion,  which is expected to increase by 3 percents. Meanwhile, consumption abroad tends to be further strengthen. It will reach $ 74 billion, that Chinese people’s total consumption of luxury goods in 2013 will reach $ 102 billion, or about 600 billion yuan. This also shows that Chinese people will bought 47% of the global luxury goods.It means that China is the undisputed largest customer of global luxury market.

With the rapid economic development of China these years, Chinese people has become more richer than before and there is a huge improvement of their level of living and consuming. However there might occur such an enormous waste in money that Chinese people buy too much luxury goods. It convinces that some Chinese people can not manage their fortune wisely, and that is an important point to be improved.