President Xi Jinping Implied About Important Policy Change During APEC Summit

On Monday, President Xi Jinping reassured Asian business and political leaders that his country only aspires to peace and that he is confident its economic growth will remain robust despite a recent slowdown. China’s growth and other indicators are within reasonable expectations, Xi told a business conference on the sidelines of the annual summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum.
“I want to emphasize that I am fully confident about the future of China,” Xi said in a keynote address at the CEO conference. “I am deeply convinced the Chinese economy will sustain its sound growth.”
Also, China is intended to provide a more open environment to foreign enterprises. “The Chinese Government is revising regarding laws and regulations to provide foreign enterprises in China with a fair law environment.” The foundation of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone also marks a more opening atmosphere in Chinese policy makers.
Expectedly, a new turning pointing is coming in Chinese economy.

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