App smart: choose what’s best for you

Some people have bad memories and definitely need to-do lists to help them finish their tasks on time. Thanks to the technology, now many cell phones have apps in which people can create their own to-do lists in it. But there are so many similar apps with the same function these days and it is important for consumers to choose wisely on the apps they decide to use in order to be more efficient and effective.

When it comes to the to-do list apps, the apps’ simplicity and tidy interface, which will remove many of the barriers to using it regularly, should be considered. emphasizes this feature and win itself many users because of that. There are also so many free to-do lists Apps on IOS. But it’s best if we try them all and decide which we like the best.

Almost everyone uses smartphones these day, so the App development has so many potentials. IT companies should choose specific targets and establish clear features as their App’s point of difference when designing these Apps in order to be memorable and profitable, therefore standing out among competitors.

News Source: For the Absent-Minded, a Few Forget-Me-Nots

Check out official website to know about the popular App:

Burberry goes digital to lure back customers


How’s business in the fashion world these days? I don’t know much about fashion but clearly the fashion brand tyrant Burberry isn’t doing very well lately. Due to the economic slowdown in China, which is one of Burberry’s biggest revenue sources, and the decreasing number of investors, Burberry is making far less profits last year.

In order to lure back its customers and increase its revenue, Burberry starts to find new aspects of its product and high-quality service that will promote their sales. Not only does Burberry start to use “digital” concept in its latest design by using bright colors to create the feeling of future, but it also uses a system called “Customer 360” that can record every customer’s product preference for Burberry’s improvement. Also, when customers are fitting outfits, they can add accessories on a large screen to see how it matches with their outfit without actually trying it.

Will this strategy work out for Burberry? Can digital improvements win back its customers? Some say the high price of Burberry drives its customers away swiftly and Burberry should try to adjust its price to attract more buyers. However, Burberry has no intention to do so and remain targeting its consumer as rich luxury-lovers.

News source:  High Tech Fashion: Burberry goes digital

Video: Burberry womenswear spring/summer 2013 show  (we can feel the difference in Burberry designs in this show)

Branding- A company’s brand name can make a difference

Last week, we learned about value positioning in the COMM 101 class. And the name of the product is extremely essential if companies want to establish their point of parity and point of difference. And the value of the companies can always be conveyed in their names. Pepsi relates us to young, energetic image while Subway leaves us the impression of comparatively healthy fast food. (Those are the examples we talked in class.)

In Dec, 2008, Georgette Kaplan and her two daughters founded the company called Ms.& Mrs, a personal-care company. During Ms& Mrs’s showcase on an ABC talk show, their name was misidentified as “Mr&Mrs ” on national television. By that time, they finally realized how easy it is to mispronounce their company’s name so they decide to change it to Pinch Provisions to make it easier to pronounce and they successfully embrace the “Pinch” idea in their latest advertisement. “In a pinch”, what a way to make their brand memorable! It has not been long since they changed their names but so far Pinch Provisions have received a positive effect. Indeed, companies’ and products’ names can make a difference in their future!

Latest Ad:Ms. & Mrs. Is Now Pinch Provisions

News Article on New York Times:If the Name gets in the way, change it



Business Ethics–Toxic Milk leads to bankrupcy (link and video will be posted seperately)

Sanlu, a popular state-owned Chinese diary products company, was caught adding Melamine to its baby milk powder in 2008, which led to the death of six babies and thousands’ of infants having kidney stone. The toxic chemical Melamine could make the milk powder appear to be more nutritious during the safety and component test. Consequently, Sanlu was ordered a bankrupcy and several of its top managers were sentenced to long prison terms.

Sanlu Company put its consumers’ lives aside in order to maximize its profits. Indeed, Sanlu used to be China’s oldest and most popular infant-formula brand. But it dug its own grave by deliberate neglecting its basic social responsibility, community and consumers. It’s not hard to tell the significance of business ethics. But is there a bottom line here that a company should never cross? Body Shop lied about its ingredient origins yet its market share was increasing. Major drug companies’ patents made developing countries suffer from high medical fees yet they gained enormous profits eventually. Why the public can stand with these unethical issues? What is the most basic ethic principle that a business must respect? Those are the questions we should be considering.



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