Branding- A company’s brand name can make a difference

Last week, we learned about value positioning in the COMM 101 class. And the name of the product is extremely essential if companies want to establish their point of parity and point of difference. And the value of the companies can always be conveyed in their names. Pepsi relates us to young, energetic image while Subway leaves us the impression of comparatively healthy fast food. (Those are the examples we talked in class.)

In Dec, 2008, Georgette Kaplan and her two daughters founded the company called Ms.& Mrs, a personal-care company. During Ms& Mrs’s showcase on an ABC talk show, their name was misidentified as “Mr&Mrs ” on national television. By that time, they finally realized how easy it is to mispronounce their company’s name so they decide to change it to Pinch Provisions to make it easier to pronounce and they successfully embrace the “Pinch” idea in their latest advertisement. “In a pinch”, what a way to make their brand memorable! It has not been long since they changed their names but so far Pinch Provisions have received a positive effect. Indeed, companies’ and products’ names can make a difference in their future!

Latest Ad:Ms. & Mrs. Is Now Pinch Provisions

News Article on New York Times:If the Name gets in the way, change it



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