Effects of Sandy on Supply Chain

Hurricane Sandy certainly caused tremendous amounts of damage to local infrastructure and businesses in New York and New Jersey, but perhaps the greatest impact it had on business happened to the Supply Chains of businesses.

Most of the damage, however, could have been averted.  As Bryan Knotts discusses in his blog post: “Supply Chain Disruptions Like Hurricane Sandy Are No Longer Outliers”, most of the damage could have minimized if business had kept tighter controls on their supply chains. With today’s technology, any product could be tracked at any point in the supply chain with great accuracy, yet most businesses don’t use such technology; as a result, when disasters like Hurricane Sandy strike, many products are simply lost somewhere along the supply line. Perhaps business will keep better control of their inventory after losing millions to Hurricane Sandy.

Blog: http://blog.apptricity.com/default.aspx?Author=Brian%20Knotts

Blog post: http://bx.businessweek.com/supply-chain-performance/view?url=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.apptricity.com%2Fbid%2F241154%2FSupply-Chain-Disruptions-Like-Hurricane-Sandy-Are-No-Longer-Outliers

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