Sweatshops in Bangladesh!!!

When I first read Michelle’s Blog I was so surprised by the fact that Wal-Mart, who is one of the biggest retailers in the US can be so unethical by having sweatshops in Bangladesh in order to minimize costs. Personally I used to buy a lot of my things in Wal-Mart as their prices are very low, and as we can find everything we want. However, I agree with Michelle with her point of view, which is, that it is totally unfair to treat people like that. I think that is not only the fact of the money and the long hours the employees have to work, but it is also a problem of morality, of ethics, of respecting the human rights. I can say that even they way I used to see Wal-Mart as a customer has totally changed.

I really think that in a business, not everything is about money, not everything is about making profits. We also need to care about the employees, the environment, the society. That is the key factor for creating a good environment in the workplace. And a good workplace is the key factor for a successful business.

If you want to read Michelle’s Blog, please visit the following link: https://blogs.ubc.ca/michellelee3/

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