The One Where I Apparently Know Some French

by raissac

Yep, I can’t believe it myself. We had our French Placement Exam yesterday. One of the heads of the program advised us to only answer when we were a 100% sure with our answers because if we just guess and miraculously end up with the right answer, she might put us in the “wrong level” in terms of our knowledge in French. I obviously took her advice. I basically only answered around 4-5 questions out of 80 questions in total. I have no knowledge of French whatsoever except from the simple phrases I try to learn from my pocket dictionary and maybe some words I have asked my friends to translate for me. Anyway, results came out today on which level we belong too. I think there are 9 levels and they placed me under LEVEL 2. I was expecting to be the lowest level possible, but wow… The test must have been rigged. HAHAHAHA. Or not.. my friend said she’s quite impressed with the level of French I know for someone who has NEVER learned the language.

We also had our French Culture & Civilization test earlier today. I am glad that I barely studied for it and ended up cramming most of it today and maybe last night (before I fell asleep). The test wasn’t that hard (pure multiple choice) and if you paid attention to the lectures, you’ll be fine. I’m glad I was able to retain much of the information I crammed into my head and maybe some from the lectures too. All I know is, I passed for sure. YAY!

On to more EXCITING NEWS, I am heading to Annecy this weekend with three of my other girlfriends. I am excited! It will be my first time staying at a hostel. Annecy is a two-hour train ride from Lyon and is also considered the “Venice of France.” So yeah, I am excited what this little commune has in store for us. Will keep you posted!

Au revoir, mes amis! 😉