Decreasing income, yet an increase in outputs?

Following the aftermath of the media hit taken by Sauder and the CUS as a result of the events in FROSH, the CUS has decided to donate a quarter of a million dollars. But with what money?  I was really confused when the CUS decided to decrease the CUS membership fee AFTER deciding to make such a great financial decision –one that will be paid off in a period of three years. Although the decision was made by the students in the voting polls, the decision regarding the CUS membership fee could have been tabled for another year. I find the decision of the CUS, and apparently of UBC to donate such a vast amount of money, to fund sex-abuse counseling, to be important, but lack the understanding as to where the money is coming from. What will this mean for us, as Sauder students, in the future? Will the CUS membership fee be increased in a year again?

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