


  • 2016 –present Community Health initiatives by University students (CHIUS) – SON representative: sign off on all student projects, oversee development of teaching sessions, provide onsite faculty supervision. Attend interdisciplinary meetings to establish processes and guidelines on CHIUS initiatives. – SON Coordinator for all Nursing student activities (September 2015- Present)
  • 2016 November, Member of the Interdisciplinary planning group for workshop on Resilience



  • N530 –Assessed and graded students’ posters on the CNS role, March 28 2017
  • N340 – Assessed, graded and provided feedback on group assignment presentations, November 2016.
  • N341-Faculty support, assessed, graded and provided feedback on groups assignment presentations, November 21, 2016.
  • N341-Co-Facilitator Integration seminar, November 2016
  • Merit Review Committee member (2015)
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Research (STaR) Committee member, (February 2014-2016)
  • Supported planning activities for Marion Woodward Lecture
  • Reviewer for the Elizabeth Kenny McCann Scholar Award competition
  • Reviewer for SoN Fall Internal Grant competition
  • Organizer for UBC SON student project participation in the UBC Applied Science Design and Innovation Day on April 7 2017
  •  June 2015 – Present: Health and Safety Committee Member- Faculty representative. Attend regular meetings, twice a month, provide guidance from faculty perspective on various safety issues. Follow-up safety incident reports.
  • April 2016 Attended the Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum (PVPC) session for post-secondary committees on behalf of SON
  • September 2015 present: Volunteered to be Health contact for HR, mail out Health newsletter
  • April 2016 BSN admission interviews: Assisted with undergraduate applicant interviews
  • BSN Orientation -Support planning and orientation activities for new BSN students (September 2015).
  • BSN admission interviews: (April 2015,) 2 days to assist with applicant interviews
  • Practice Education committee member -on various work committees – 2015
    • Student injury
    • Student conduct policy
    • Missed clinical time
  • Threads Curriculum Committee member (October 2014- December 2014)
  • Renovating Curriculum Committee Member (November 2014)
  • Practice Area: Public Health Managers and Educators – Receive frequent contact from Managers, Practice Leads and Clinical Educators on areas of practice.



  • 2016: Reviewed outline and table of contents for Pearson on proposed text tentatively being called ‘Community Nursing in a Global Environment: An Integrated Approach’ by authors J. Craig Phillips (University of Ottawa) and Kathleen Koernig Blais (Florida International University).
  • 2015: Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) Community- Public Health- Frequently disseminates relevant information to practice arena.
    • VCH – Richmond Participated in project – Drs. June 2015
    • VCH – Richmond Participated in meeting re: Health Promotion, September 2015
  • 1993: Present Member of the Indo-Canadian Women’s Organization.
  • 1993-1995: Past president,Indo-Canadian Women’s Organization.
  • 1993-1997: Member of the South Asian Advisory committee to the BC Cancer agency.
     -Instrumental in creating 2 BSE videos in Punjabi
     -Numerous social media and community presentations on BSE in the Aouth Asian community.
    -Instrumental in setting up  South Asian BSE exam and Pap Seamer clinics in Vancouver and Richmond