In 2021, as I was leaving the YWCA, I was presented with a surprising gift from the women—a collection of thank-you notes. It was special and unforgettable, continuing to provide me with motivation and encouragement to push forward.
A warm and thoughtful note from a colleague and friend was truly heartfelt.
Receiving recognition and words of encouragement from the team leaders was uplifting!


But the one that brought me to tears was a note left by a program participant, perhaps one of the quietest women in the workshops. I recall her hesitation in presenting in English to the groups, and I can imagine the efforts she put into writing and rewriting this message to express her gratitude and warm wishes to me. Her message was so powerful and deeply resonated with me, and it will be ingrained with me forever.



p.s. I recall her wearing a very beautiful mask, though.


YWCA_Thank you notes from the women