Product Placement works for Aston Martin

It is a predestined fact that James Bond movies are going to be popular draws for the box office. “Skyfall, which was released on October 23rd, continues the box office dominance Bond movies are known for. Aware of the fact, marketing divisions of the most prominent companies seek to further increase brand recognition by using product placement techniques. An article in the Chicago Tribune touches on the fact that brands are expected to receive over $7.6 million in exposure from the film.

Heineken, Audi, Sony, Adidas, and Omega are just some of the brands which are shown in the film. Of course, Aston Martin makes its mark on the film in many ways, and by doing so the company has created a distinguished image for being in Bond movies as early as 1974. Aston Martin has long set the bar for product replacement effectiveness. Companies such as BMW have tried similar tactics themselves. Famously, BMW offered to pay millions of dollars to switch away from Aston Martin to models made by the German manufacturer.

Aston Martin can thank James Bond movies for making the brand a staple in pop culture globally. Even if most viewers are unable to afford the expensive vehicle, they can surely recognize it whenever they see one.

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