Critical Thinking and Business

Wall Street Journal had an intriguing article about the importance of critical thinking in the world of business. The author of the article claims that a lot of students recruited out of university today lack this skill according to employers. As such, universities have adapted by making sure students are practicing this skill.

According to Wikipedia:

Critical thinking is a type of reasonable, reflective thinking that is aimed at deciding what to believe or what to do.”

Personally, I wonder whether critical thinking is something that you can completely teach to all students. I feel as if it is very important to decipher the context in which you are making such decision, which is quite specific. However, I do believe practicing critical thinking skills are vital to all students. In COMM 101, each case requires numerous variations of critical thinking. One such example would be choosing which parts of the “business toolkit” to use when analyzing a case. It is not viable to use every single tool we have learned, and some tools are more useful than others. From what I have experienced so far, the Sauder School of Business has recognized the importance of critical thinking which will allow students to be more successful in their endeavors.



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