Brand Positioning: Samsung

Nav Sran recently posted a blog entry about a new ad released by Samsung in response to Apple’s iPhone 5. The immensely popular ad that has racked up more than 16 million views can be seen here.

Brand positioning is a very important aspect to Samsung’s advertisement. They are showcasing the innovative technology called “S Beam” which allows seamless data transfer between devices. It is important to note that this feature is unique to the Galaxy S III only. Consumers will perceive Samsung as a cutting edge brand that delivers unique features after seeing “S Beam” in action. Samsung sends a certain message to prospective buyers highlighting features that other companies such as Apple are just beginning to implement. As a result, Samsung has perceptually differentiated itself from other smartphone manufacturers.

Judging from the advertisement, Samsung seems to easily grasp the Brand positioning concept. The company has identified their closest competitor, located it’s own brand position, and defined its value proposition effectively. It has given consumers why to buy the Samsung Galaxy S3, and why not to buy the iPhone 5. The decision rests on the buyer, and judging by the recent sales incline reported by Samsung, they have persuaded well.

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