Brand Value

Recently I read an article posted by Jules Karorero which talks about a recall made by Honda. The popular Japanese car manufacturer noted that at least 50,000 cars between 2002 and 2006 had a faulty door switch.

Along with Jules, I also believe Honda strengthened its brand value by notifying consumers immediately about the problem and offering to fix it immediately. For potential buyers, they could look at this situation two different ways. Either someone in the market for a compact vehicle with be alarmed with this news, because Honda allowed it’s customer to buy potentially hazardous vehicles. On the other hand, some buyers will credit Honda’s customer relations, as they were concerned with consumer safety and attempted to address the issue immediately.

If I were a potential buyer, I would give Honda credit in their decision to address the issue and offer a fix. Buyers must accept the fact that no manufacturer is perfect in their construction. Additionally, there may be vehicles on the road that pose a greater risk than any fault door switch that we may never be aware of. I’d like to think Honda’s brand value is strengthened in this case, and consumers should have no doubt that Honda keeps safety a priority.

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