This blog will be broken down into different categories or series (haven’t quite decided which one, but does it make a difference? Let me know). Depending on how I feel or what the news is raving on about, there is no particular order in which I’ll be writing my posts for each series. Each series discusses a different aspect and perspective of sustainability and how I reckon we talk and deal with it. There are multiple facets to sustainability, therefore, in my attempt with this blog, I hope to gather a diverse outlook on what sustainability might mean to people and large organizations, how to promote sustainability, and ways to stay sustainable. My philosophy on sustainability revolves around the idea of circular action (hence the blog name), whether it be participating and pushing for a circular economy, or shifting our mindset to become more circular in our actions and thinking.
“Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”
Series are as follow:
THE SUSTAINABLE CONSUMER. Over the course of the last few months, conversations surrounding this topic have popped up more often than expected. From a friend studying environmental science and the source of our clothing, to a comp-sci friend intrigued at how all our actions, little or big, impact the world, a big question looms: how can we as a consumer do better?
CIRCULAR/LATERAL THINKING. To what extent can we change our lives from the linear perspective on life into a circular one? What does it mean to live life “circularly” and how does it relate to sustainability?
PRODUCT AUDITS. Do you know where that shirt you’re wearing comes from? Who is vulnerable in the production, consumption, and disposal of the product? An attempt to explore the social, environmental and other ethical implications of products we consume regularly.
EDUCATION. How do we educate the generations after us to keep our world sustainable? How do we make ‘sustainability’ a value everyone holds? Can we do that?
If there are any articles/videos related to these topics above you might know of or have come across, please feel free to comment or message. Or even similar topics you want to have discussions about, I would love to hear and learn more!