Bell Alerts Consumers of an Information System

Bell is ready to launch its management information system on November 16. The telecommunications company announces that they are collecting information to deliver relevant ads to their consumers and also claim that this information system will “improve service and heighten protection against fraud.” The type of information that Bell will collect include internet activity (web pages visited and search entries), usage of apps, television habits, and calling patterns. In addition, Bell will also assemble information of one’s account such as device used, language option, postal codes, payment method, and demographics.

With all of this information, Bell must be careful to implement an efficient strategy in interpreting the data. Data integration is a common problem among companies that use information systems because they discover that it is difficult to analyze all of the data appropriately. Information could potentially be a powerful tool in improving an organization’s business; however, it is useless without proper management of information. Communication between managers and the information systems department is important in this process.

Bell’s announcement grew concerns with consumers and their privacy. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada will further investigate on their concerns. Fortunately, Bell offers an opt-out option.

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