TOMS Marketplace

TOMS has grown to be widely known as one of the pioneers in corporate social responsibility. Now, using its popular brand recognition, the organization is creating an online store called “TOMS marketplace” that will aid other businesses that value social responsibility. It comprises of over 200 products from 30 companies. The decision for choosing companies is based on whether their mission to truly improve people’s lives is heavily integrated into the business structure. TOMS has done more than marketing other products online; it has bought the inventory at wholesale. Being one of the leaders in corporate social responsibility, the TOMS marketplace provides an opportunity for social entrepreneurs to gain exposure to a larger consumer base who is interested in purchasing items with a social purpose.

TOMS demonstrate a sustainable approach to its business model through creating shared value and a triple bottom line. Consumers value responsibility-made and ethical products. TOMS provides environment-friendly shoes and now, a wide range of products in its marketplace from notebooks to bags. The company has developed a competitive advantage through its corporate social responsibility. Consumers prefer to purchase from TOMS because of its core values.

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