Marketing – How Effective Can an Idea Be?

Businesses aim to position their products as “first” in the consumers’ minds by composing and advertising their points of difference. However, due to competition posed by large firms, many small and medium-sized enterprises find it difficult to position and market their products. Even though smaller businesses face a competitive disadvantage from larger corporations, strong marketing stratagems and an inexpensive idea can potentially take these businesses to the next level.

To examine the effect of a strong marketing idea, consider the example of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Before the challenge, the ALS disease was unrecognized by the majority; however, strong marketing tactics, such as celebrity endorsements, viral nomination of friends, and the adventurous nature of the challenge itself, promptly increased the awareness about the ALS disease. Although the ALS only affects a very small segment of the entire population, its marketing success has enhanced its visibility, has accumulated donations of over a $100 million, and has gained worldwide phenomenal support.

A product can either be a success or a flop depending on how well it is marketed and publicized. To market a product successfully, a company often needs to connect with the consumers at an emotional level. In many instances, a distinct and interactive marketing strategy can “enter” a consumer’s mind and leave a positive image about the product and the brand.


Work Cited

Tuchman, Robert. “How Storytelling Can Create Brand Value for Your Business.” Entrepreneur. N.p., 2 Sept. 2014. Web. 28 Oct. 2014.

“Best Free Marketing Ideas |” Home Biz Ideas 4u. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2014.

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