TOMS: the Kings of CSR


TOMS has not only been notably recognized as a trendy shoe company, but also in the business world as a corporate socially responsible company. As most people are aware TOMS has a One for One® program which Regi describes in her TOMS article, “Building a Business for Making a Better World.” Upon further research I found out that TOMS not only has a program which gives back to poor communities, but that their shoes are made of sustainable and vegan materials such as natural hemp, organic cotton, and recycled polyester. TOMS has perfectly demonstrated and satisfied all the points of creating shared value. First, they have proven to the rest of the market that being sustainable from creating the shoe box down to the sole can be highly profitable. Second, TOMS thinks heavily about how their future decision can positively impact the less fortunate; this includes generating more ways they can assist communities, prevent slavery and human trafficking, and ensure corporate responsibility standards are upheld. Last of all, TOMS has shown that their unique One for One® program and use of sustainable materials has created an edge for them in the footwear industry. As a former TOMS-enthusiast myself, I admired the company more than the shoes itself. Part of the reason why I fell in love with the company was not only because the slip-ons were comfy yet fashionably acceptable, but because I knew that I was somehow helping another child in the world by indirectly providing them with a new pair of shoes as well. With every purchase, customers are happy knowing that they can look good while doing good.




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