Crossing Entrepreneurship off the List

I have always been on the fence about pursuing entrepreneurship as a career. I use to think that it would be a dream being my own boss, creating my own goals, working on my own hours; but after hearing the Sauder Alumni come in and speak to us my mind has definitely been made. I have come to a conclusion that I would dislike entrepreneurship. Why? Well for starters, one thing I value greatly is stability. Hearing all these stories on how Jennifer Martin, Paul Gill, and Paul Davidescu scraped together enough money to start-up their companies only to hit wall after wall has really showed me that entrepreneurship has absolutely no stable assurance; one second your company may be booming, the next crashing. Now not to be misunderstood, I truly admire the amount of perseverance and determination that these exceptional people have put into their companies. I am just saying that this type of moil is not one which I will find passion in like they have. Another reason why I do not think entrepreneurship is right for me is that I feel I am not creative enough for this line of work. Unlike successful entrepreneurs, I fail to see the finished product before it is produced. I feel that I don’t have the necessary intuition that leads companies to advancement. Having the alumni come in and talk to our class was a genuinely eye-opening experience for me which has helped me advance one step closer to knowing what I want my future career to look like.



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