Unites Nations & the Arc/Social Enterprise


“If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?

The UN is an international organization that provides a platform for numerous countries to discuss and resolve world crisis. On the other hand, social enterprises are smaller, less funded, and a more concentrated group of people whose goal is help communities through business methods. One of the most flawed aspect of the UN is that the decisions they make are too heavily influenced by individual nation’s interests. One of the most recent injustices seen in the news has been Russia’s and China’s veto of France’s draft of resolution. Despite the United Nations being fully funded, it is unfortunate that that money cannot be used in the way which will benefit people who suffer from injustices and hardships. The world needs social enterprises such as the Arc Initiative because they have the ability to help the less fortunate without politics in the way. One of the reasons why the Arc Initiative is so beneficial to the people in the countries that it is involved in is because they help build develop business management and leadership in the communities so that they can sustain themselves. Rather than just giving them supplies as aid they are teaching them the business skills that will help them create a long-term economic prosperity.






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