Task 3: Voice to Text Task

In Module 2, we watched Dr. Boroditsky’s lecture on the link between language and our thoughts.  During Q&A, one audience asked about Dr. Boroditsky’s take on the use of text messages and whether/how it will impact languages. In a digital world like the one we live now, many seem to prefer communicating through texts than orally. One popular meme probably captures this the best:


Certainly there can be many factors that contribute to the reason why text is preferred but it is interesting to think further how we have come from a period when no written form was used to now having a systematic ways to arrange texts.

Here’s the text to my 5 minute monologue using the voice-text tool embedded in Google Doc:

Since the pandemic schools and also a lot of organisations have most things online so that means either Ramon learning for students and also working from home for many office employee as well and that’s really back the question that people start to talk more interns the weather why is just being an introvert or whether one has fear almost to spend time alone I think Solitude is a really good topic to discuss because not everyone can handle that for some people and they really enjoy spending time with others and things situated in India crowded social event well all there’s my enjoying just spending time alone or with in a smaller through heavy more of an intimate conversation. therefore it really begs the question whether Solitude is a good thing and is it for everyone. obviously there’s really no Universal answer and it also depends the contacts as well for some spending more time alone really means an opportunity to reflect and also it’s you almost 60 into one salt in terms of reflection of the things happened before the life ghost named I have for themselves and also any opportunity or any challenges coming there ways as well like heaven. Unit conversation certainly is helpful for 1/2 Oak night stand the thought while for others it’s not necessary about having a conversation with oneself is more into trying not to look into the past too much sometimes certainly you can bring the activity 112 while in the past we often talked about of course that we want to focus on presence because this is the time that you are in control for future and flows and it’s really hard to say what’s going to happen just like right now with the pandemic it is really hard to predict even next month what’s going to happen as Government policies keep changing there are different restrictions in place so going back to the Solitude or spending time with oneself probably it would be helpful to a shirring set of go in Turnersville why was being purpose of having conversation with oneself is this merely to to look back and see how things have changed or are you looking back in the hope that you are going to maybe take a few tips from the past and also when you move forward you are going to improve our certain things or it doesn’t even need to be go over and see if it’s even just me I guess the comfort of knowing you are your best Ally and you can always be hopefully open to yourself as well

First Impression

Reading the above text, I feel I was a character in the comic books where all my thoughts would pop up.  Some general observation includes:

  • There is no proper punctuation or formatting.
  • It lacks organization and contains lots of repetition of the same ideas.
  • The text captures everything I said while some words are different from my original speech, due to my pronunciation or intonation.

Common Mistakes?

All in all, I’m impressed by how well the voice to text tool was able to quickly capture what I said. One thing I noticed when reading the text again is how the text capitalized some words, including “solitude” and “universal”, when they are in the middle of a sentence.  There were also one or two words when the text did not catch, due to either my pronunciation or the long pause I took in between thoughts. Sentences lost their original meanings when key words were not captured.

Scripted vs. Impromptu Speech 

With scripted speech, ideas and thoughts will be presented in a more organized fashion. Speakers will be able to adjust the content and the words used based on their target audiences. Scripted speech, depends on the context, normally will be more in-depth, as the writers/speakers have more time to think and compose the speech.

On the other hand, impromptu speech can sound more engaging (speakers play a vital role) because it is not rehearsed. Many of us probably have experienced this at some point in our lives that a well-rehearsed seminar has its pros and cons. One advantage is that the speech flows well and the content can go deeper and one disadvantage is that sometimes speakers are just reciting their speech and the emotion is missing.

Oral Storytelling and Written Storytelling

Both oral and written storytelling are a form of art. In societies where no written languages were developed, orality was the only way for knowledge and information to pass down. Apprenticeship was one main methods to ensure knowledge is shared and passed down to the next generation (Ong, 2002), especially in cultures which written forms were never developed. In some ways, what we, especially those in the education field now, often talked about Community of Practice, is similar to apprenticeship. Instead that back then, apprenticeship was about listening and watching the more experienced people performing tasks, while now CoP happens in different forms, both orally and using text.

In many ways, oral storytelling lays out the foundations for written storytelling. However, both forms are subject to human errors, whether they are intentional or not.

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