Task 7: Mode-bending

This is a redesign of  my previous task of “What’s in my bag?” from week 1.

It was challenging to recreate the content to my surprise and it made me realize how heavily I relied on visual cues to understand and communicate. The New London Group (1996) emphasized on the idea of multiliteracies and the goal is to make education more accessible to all students. Accessibility does not mean solely clearing physical barriers but it also applies to making content applicable to students from diverse cultural backgrounds. It is too easy to take things for granted because we are used to certain ways of things. Anyone who is new or unfamiliar with the current system is at risk of being labeled as “unintelligent” or “uncultured”, while the opposite would be true.

For this assignment, I create a video with both visual and audio cues. I am not sure whether other classmates share similar thoughts but I found that I look at items in my bag from a different perspective now when I keep inclusivity in mind. I start to ask myself whether the item I presented makes sense to everyone or whether I need to provide further explanation so everyone knows what is in front of them. For a course design perspective, this is so important!




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