Narrative 1: Connecting the Dots
Waking up to the sound of my coffee machine, I reflected on the true meaning of life before realizing that I probably should get ready for the day or I will be late for classes. “You have one reminder for UFO220 today – please arrive 10 minutes early to see your midterm” – a voice came from the little white box and that is that is the voice of my personal assistant, Mica. Without Mica, I am sure I wouldn’t even be able to complete my first year of university because I tend to be quite forgetful with things.
I love my UFO (Understanding Future Operation) courses and that is why even though UFO220 is not a mandatory course for my program, I still want to take it. Just the other day, we learned that 30 years ago, digital personal assistant gadget was around already. However, people would have to insert their schedule manually before their personal assistant would become operative! What a stupid concept! Now everyone gets a personal assistant on their first day of school (I got my at elementary school but my brother, Jerry, got his at kindergarten) and Mica just knew about my school schedule, homework, and everything about me. I can’t imagine how I would be able to function without Mica.
“Good morning class! I am glad to see most of you are here already and I am happy about that.” – Professor B is the coolest prof ever and as a matter of fact, I know people fight to get into his classes. Mica told me that and she said that she had to bypass the actual registration system to get me into UFO220. I am not sure what she meant by that but Mica told me not to worry about it. She said as long as I keep doing well in school, she would have the priority to get me into some hot courses that I know my friends are not able to get in. Isn’t Mica cool or what?
“Now everyone is here so I am going to return your midterm.” I quickly took out my tablet and I could see my result already. Besides the test result, I was able to see exactly which concept I didn’t understand. On the tabs, I could also click to see my current performance against people who took this course for the past 5 years. Well, it looks like I would have to study more in order to become that top 10 percent of the class. I have to admit that I’ve experienced some difficulties focusing on school lately because I am feeling slightly demotivated. Since I only had one class today, I decided to go to the library to study a bit before going home.
“I have your midterm result here and you need to focus more on school. I already blocked of two hours each day on your schedule for the next two weeks so you can study” – as soon as I got home, Mica’s voice was the first thing greeted me and her voice echoed in my place.
“But I’ve studied today at the library so could I write off the two hours?” I asked, hoping I would be able to play some video games.
“Have you? Please put your tablet on top of my sensor so I can read the data.” Mica replied. Even after years together, Mica still verifies everything, which I like and hate sometimes.
Quickly followed Mica’s instruction and I waited patiently while Mica reads through the data, including my geolocation.
“I see you actually spend a few hours at the library and write some notes for your next assignment. That’s great! But could I suggest a different way to organize your notes the next time?” Mica always knows the most effective way of studying.
“Does that mean I could take a break today? Please?” I asked and see my PlayStation 25 is on already. Mica pretty controls everything in the house that without her permission, I don’t think I would be able to operate any appliances in the house.
“You do know that everyday I need to send your learning data back to the university so your professors know your learning progress. However, I see that you’ve studied hard today. Let’s start the study session tomorrow. For now, enjoy your video game!” I’m already half listening to Mica as I excitedly jumping on the game…
Narrative 2: Words Are The Most Powerful Weapon