DISCOURSE LEADERSHIP – Reading, Organizing, Speaking
Here are some of the activities that I created as part of our joint blog work for our “Discourse Leadership” project in ETEC 511. This was the first time using these visual tools from “Wordle” and also my first time creating surveys online. I was able to work through the process with some help from one of the co-authors of our project, which goes to show how online collaboration can be incredibly useful. Additonally, my group members were exceptional at helping me work through some of the finer points when I was creating a list of key terms. All in all a very productive experience, that demonstrated the benefits of online collaboration. I was particularly excited by the “Live Forum” that we held, as it provided an opportunity for synchronous synthesization of our topic.
Link to group blog.
Transcript of Live Forum.
DISCUSSIONS – Reading, Writing, Organizing, Reflecting
Below are examples of technology that I used to interact with peers throughout our Discourse Leadership activities.
I created a Prezi to outline the discussion contributions that I thought demonstrated my level of involvement and participation in the course.
There are between 1 and 5 posts in each section that I outlined.
Note: The “Course Beliefs” section reflects my thoughts on SOUL days and also on our participation in editing peer work. My participation in editing was one area that I feel I could have done a better job on. My editing throughout our group work was significant, although not represented well in the general discussion board.