Rebecca Ketler's Blog

Waves Coffee House: Vancouver’s Prized Jewel

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In an area where busyness never rests, coffee is a foundation for everyday life. But what makes Waves Coffee House so unique from the other coffee chains that appear on every block in the city?  Kami Rhamati, founder of Waves Coffee, strove for a coffee house unique from the rest. His business strategy was simple: connectivity. His desire was to break the status-quo of a café, enlarging the size of the coffee house to 1,400 square feet, allowing more people to lounge, study, work, and meet. Additionally, Waves was one…read more


Disney’s Magic Bracelet

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DisneyWorld is known for its fantasy brought to reality and childhood memories, but there are drastic business decisions being made behind the scenes as well. Disney Parks have created a new technology that will enhance the experience of their customers, but will also rake in more money from their customers from the duration of their customers’ stay. This new technology is a program called MyMagic+. This system consists of wristbands that are created to overthrow credit-card use in the theme park, as credit card information is inserted within the bracelet….read more


MAC’s New Shade of Green

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  The world’s #1 leading makeup brand, MAC, is not just focused on pink lips and purple eyeshadows, but green mindsets as well. Sustainability has been a focus in the MAC business, revealing social responsibility in their retail chain. Because cosmetics make up a large percentage of waste, MAC has created a way to incorporate recycling for their customers after their products are all used up. This program is called “Back 2 MAC,” allowing their customers to collect 6 of their empty product containers purchased through MAC, and return it…read more


Are Ethics Measurable?

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  Forever 21 is known for its trendy clothing at dirt-cheap prices. However, are any of their employees really making a living when a pair of jeans is a mere $10? Do Won Chang and his wife founded the company in the early 80’s, with their market aimed at the fashion forward but “thin-walleted” range of people. But what keeps the clothing at such inexpensive prices is quite controversial. The first being their cheap labour. After being in a lawsuit over the poor conditions of their sweatshop in Las Angeles,…read more


TOMS expands into a Marketplace

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Since the beginning of TOMS in 2006, over 10 million pairs of shoes have been given to those in need. Since they expanded to glasses in 2011, 200,000 pairs of glasses have been also given. Yet the founder, Blake Mycoskie, has a big heart for the underprivileged and has started a new line called “The Marketplace” just this past November 5th, selling the products of fellow social entrepreneurs. As a social entrepreneur, Mycoskie desired to aid small social entrepreneur businesses (usually still in their startup stage) who had “mission-driven business…read more


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