MAC’s New Shade of Green

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The world’s #1 leading makeup brand, MAC, is not just focused on pink lips and purple eyeshadows, but green mindsets as well. Sustainability has been a focus in the MAC business, revealing social responsibility in their retail chain. Because cosmetics make up a large percentage of waste, MAC has created a way to incorporate recycling for their customers after their products are all used up. This program is called “Back 2 MAC,” allowing their customers to collect 6 of their empty product containers purchased through MAC, and return it with the reward of a free lipstick colour of choice.

Back 2 MAC recycling program

The program is innovative and now with the program, 80-90% of product packaging is made up of recycled materials. Those who cherish the earth’s environment feel at peace when buying MAC’s products, however most customers do not take advantage of the sustainable program. Perhaps it is the ignorance of North American consumers, yet promoting this program to a larger extent could benefit society in the long run. Alongside to sustainability, MAC has social responsibilities such as their MAC aids fund, with their celebrity lines such as Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga giving 100% of the purchase price to MAC aids fund. 
